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Create your family tree for free


Hello and welcome to FamilySearch! Today I will show you how you can build your family tree for free using this amazing app.

From searching historical records to connecting with other family members, FamilySearch has everything you need to begin your journey of family discovery.


Create a FamilySearch Account

The first thing you need to do is create an account on FamilySearch. It's quick and easy, you just need your email address and a password.

Once you've created your account, you'll be ready to start building your family tree.


Collect Information about your Family

The next step is to gather information about your family. You can start by asking your closest relatives about your ancestors.

See also:

Ask about names, important dates such as births, marriages and deaths, as well as places of residence and occupations.

You can also search for old documents at home or in public archives, such as birth certificates, family photographs, and historical records.

Add People to your Family Tree

Once you have the information collected, it's time to add people to your family tree in FamilySearch.

You can do this manually by entering the information or searching the FamilySearch database to see if they already have information about your ancestors.

The app will guide you through the process step by step, making it easy and accessible for everyone.

Explore Historical Records

FamilySearch has a vast collection of historical records from around the world.

You can search records for birth, marriage, death, census, immigration, citizenship, and more.

These records can provide you with valuable information about your ancestors and help you expand your family tree even further.

Collaborate with Other Users

One of the most useful features of FamilySearch is its ability to collaborate with other users who are also researching their family history.

You can connect with other community members, share information, exchange advice, and collaborate on your family tree research.

Two heads think better than one!

Organize your Family Tree

Once you've added all the available information and explored historical records, it's time to organize your family tree.

FamilySearch allows you to view your family tree in diagram form, allowing you to clearly see the family relationships between your ancestors.

You can also add notes, photos, and documents to each person in your family tree to keep a complete record of your research.

Share your Family Tree

Once you've built your family tree in FamilySearch, you can share it with other members of your family.

You can invite your relatives to see your family tree and collaborate in the research. You can also print your family tree and create physical copies to share with your loved ones.

Create your family tree for free


In short, FamilySearch is a powerful and free tool for building your family tree.

From gathering information to exploring historical records and collaborating with other users, FamilySearch has everything you need to begin your journey of family discovery.

So don't wait any longer and start exploring your family history today with FamilySearch!

Download the app here

FamilySearch App google

FamilySearch App Store

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