Descubre tus Raíces

Discover your Roots


Welcome to your gateway to the exciting world of genealogy!

Today I will guide you through the steps to create your own family tree for free using this amazing app.


With an extensive database of historical records and collaboration tools.

FamilySearch helps you build your family tree and connect with your roots.


From learning about your ancestors to discovering fascinating stories, each click brings you closer to understanding who you are and where you come from.

See also:

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey through time and your family's legacy with FamilySearch!

Free and Simple Registration

First things first: sign up for FamilySearch.

It's quick and easy, you just need an email address and a password.

And ready! You are now one step closer to discovering your family history.

Collect Information about your Ancestors

Now is the time to dive into your family's history.

Talk to close relatives, rummage through boxes of old photos, and search for documents like birth, marriage, and death certificates.

Every detail counts to put together the puzzle of your family tree.

Add your Ancestors

With the information in hand, it's time to fill out the branches of your family tree.

Enter names, important dates, and other details about your ancestors into FamilySearch.

You can do this manually or search the FamilySearch database to find information that is already available.

Explore Historical Records

Time to dust off the past!

FamilySearch gives you access to a vast collection of historical records from around the world.

From birth certificates to immigration records, each document can reveal fascinating details about the lives of your ancestors.

Connect with Other Researchers

Genealogy is a journey that is best enjoyed in company.

Join the FamilySearch community and connect with other researchers who share your interests.

Together, you can collaborate, share information, and help each other unravel the mysteries of your family tree.

Organize your Family Tree

With each new piece of information you add, your family tree will come to life.

Use FamilySearch's organizational tools to keep everything organized.

Add notes, photos and documents to enrich your family's history.

Share your Legacy

Your family tree is more than just a list of names and dates.

It is a legacy that you can share with your family and future generations.

Invite your loved ones to explore your family tree and discover together the rich history that unites you.

Discover your Roots


In short, FamilySearch is a powerful tool that allows you to discover and share your family's history for free.

From gathering information to exploring historical records and collaborating with other researchers, FamilySearch has everything you need to begin your journey of genealogy discovery.

So don't wait any longer, start building your family tree today and exploring the fascinating stories that await you!

Download the app here

FamilySearch App google

FamilySearch App Store

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