Usar el teléfono móvil como repelente de mosquitos

Using your mobile phone as a mosquito repellent


Advances in technology have enabled innovative solutions to everyday problems, including the pesky problem of mosquitoes. With the rise of mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika, dengue and malaria, mobile phone apps designed to repel mosquitoes have emerged.

These apps, which use sound technology to discourage mosquitoes from approaching, have gained popularity in recent years. Among the most notable are Mosquito Sound and Som Repelente Anti-Mosquito.


How Mosquito Repellent Apps Work

Mosquito repellent applications use high-frequency sounds, usually between 17 kHz and 20 kHz, which are beyond the hearing range of most adults but can be perceived by mosquitoes.

The theory behind these apps is that these high-frequency sounds are irritating to mosquitoes or simulate the sounds of their natural predators, such as bats, which drives them away.


However, the effectiveness of these applications is a matter of debate. Some studies suggest that mosquitoes eventually become accustomed to the sound or that certain frequencies have no effect on them.

See Also

Despite this, many people continue to download and use these apps, especially in areas where mosquitoes are a major nuisance.

Mosquito Sound


Mosquito Sound is an app that generates a high-frequency sound intended to repel mosquitoes. Users can adjust the frequency of the sound to find the one that works best in their specific area. The app is simple to use, with an interface that allows users to easily turn the sound on or off and set a timer for it to automatically turn off.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Portable and easy to use: It can be carried anywhere and activated when needed.
  • No chemistry: It does not use chemicals that may be harmful to people or the environment.


  • Questionable effectiveness: Effectiveness varies by user and location.
  • Battery consumption: When in constant use, it can significantly drain the device's battery.

Som Anti-Mosquito Repellent


Unlike Mosquito Sound, Som Repelente Anti-Mosquito offers a wider range of frequencies and sound patterns, which could theoretically be more effective at creating a more unpredictable and unpleasant sound environment for mosquitoes. This app also allows users to customize sounds based on the type of mosquito that predominate in their area.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Personalization: It allows for greater customization compared to other similar applications.
  • Intuitive design: The application has a user-friendly and easy-to-understand interface.


  • Variability in effectiveness: Like other similar apps, its effectiveness can be inconsistent.
  • Possible hearing problems: Some people may hear the sound and find it annoying, especially at lower frequencies.
Using your mobile phone as a mosquito repellent


Mosquito repellent mobile phone apps, such as Mosquito Sound and Som Repelente Anti-Mosquito, represent a modern attempt to deal with the age-old problem of mosquito bites.

Although their effectiveness may vary and is subject to debate, these applications offer a chemical-free alternative to traditional repellents.

However, users should consider both the benefits and limitations of these technologies and follow additional public health recommendations to protect themselves from mosquito-borne diseases.

Download the application

Mosquito sound app Google App

Som Anti-Mosquito Repellent App Store

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