Conviértete en un ex-diabético en 3 pasos

Become an ex-diabetic in 3 steps


Overcoming type 2 diabetes can seem like a huge challenge, but with dedication, lifestyle changes, and the use of the right tools, it is entirely possible.

Discover how to become an ex-diabetic in 3 steps.


Today we will explore three essential steps to becoming an ex-diabetic and how the Glooko app can be a valuable ally in this journey to better health.

Step 1: Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Balanced diet

One of the pillars to control and eventually overcome type 2 diabetes is to eat a balanced diet.


Choose a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole grains. Avoid refined sugars and simple carbohydrates, which can cause spikes in blood glucose.

Foods with a low glycemic index are ideal because they release energy in a more stable manner, helping to keep glucose levels under control.

See Also

Regular Physical Activity

Physical activity is essential to reduce insulin resistance, facilitate weight loss and improve cardiovascular health.

Find an activity you enjoy, such as walking, swimming, dancing or playing a sport, and make it part of your daily routine.

Regular exercise not only benefits your body, but also releases endorphins that improve your mood and reduce stress.

Stress Management

Stress can have a negative impact on blood glucose levels. It is important to find ways to manage stress, such as practicing meditation, yoga, deep breathing techniques, or simply spending time on hobbies you enjoy.

Getting a good night's sleep and maintaining a proper rest routine are also essential for managing stress and improving your overall well-being.

Step 2: Continuous and Accurate Monitoring

Using Technology for Monitoring

Technology is a powerful tool in diabetes management. The Glooko app is a great example of how technology can make health management easier.

Glooko connects to multiple glucose meters, allowing you to store all your important information in one place.

Glooko Features

Glooko not only records your glucose levels, but also allows you to monitor insulin, weight, physical activity and nutrition.

Having all this information integrated gives you a complete view of your health. The app offers detailed graphs and reports that you can share with your doctor, thus improving monitoring and personalizing treatment.

Integration with Doctors

One of the great things about Glooko is that it is designed to improve the relationship between patient and doctor. By sharing data in real time, your doctor can make more accurate and faster adjustments to your treatment, giving you more personalized support.

Not only does this improve the quality of your medical care, it also gives you peace of mind, knowing that your doctor has access to accurate, up-to-date information about your health.

Step 3: Ongoing Education and Support

Constant learning

Education about type 2 diabetes is crucial. Understanding how the disease works, what the risk factors are, and how different foods and activities affect your glucose levels will help you make informed decisions.

Participate in workshops, read books, and follow reliable online sources to stay up to date with the latest research and recommendations.

Support Groups and Communities

Don't face diabetes alone. Participating in support groups, whether in person or online, can provide motivation and emotional support.

Sharing experiences and advice with others who are on the same path can be very comforting and inspiring.

These groups may also offer additional resources and strategies that you may not have considered.

Regular Consultations

Maintain a regular schedule of medical appointments. Regular appointments allow you and your doctor to monitor your progress, adjust treatments, and discuss new strategies.

Open and frequent communication with your doctor is crucial for long-term success.

Take advantage of these consultations to ask questions, express your concerns, and get personalized recommendations.

A good healthcare team can make a big difference on your journey to becoming an ex-diabetic.


Remember that every step, no matter how small, is progress towards a healthier life. With determination and the right tools, it is possible to control and even overcome type 2 diabetes, turning yourself into an ex-diabetic.

Stay motivated, informed and in touch with your doctor, and you'll be on the right path to a full, healthy life.

You can do it. Every day is a new opportunity to make decisions that will improve your health. With each small step you take, you get closer to your goal of being an ex-diabetic.

Keep faith in yourself, use the tools at your disposal, and seek the support you need. Life without type 2 diabetes is possible, and you can achieve it.

Become an ex-diabetic in 3 steps


Overcoming type 2 diabetes is a journey that requires commitment, lifestyle changes and the use of effective tools. Eating a balanced diet, staying active and managing stress are key steps.

Using technologies like the Glooko app can simplify your health monitoring, providing a comprehensive and accurate view of your data. Additionally, ongoing education and support from health groups and professionals are vital to success.



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