Aprender a ser autosuficiente en la vida a distancia

Learning to be self-sufficient in life remotely


Today, we are surrounded by technology that makes our lives easier.

But have you ever wondered what it would be like to live far from all the amenities of the city? The “Remote Living” series shows us exactly that.


Available on the Discovery and Max apps, this series teaches us how people can survive and thrive in remote places using their skills and ingenuity.

Living in Nature

In “Remote Living,” we see people who live in the most isolated places in the world.


These individuals face daily challenges that seem impossible to us who live in the city.

See also

They must find and prepare their own food, build their shelters and protect themselves from the elements of nature.

The series shows how they develop surprising skills to survive and live well in these difficult environments.

Survival Lessons

Each episode of “Remote Living” is like a practical survival class. We learn how to build a shelter using natural materials, identify edible plants, and capture and prepare food.

These are essential skills that could be very useful in emergency situations, even for those of us who live in the city.

Self-sufficiency and Independence

An important message of the series is self-reliance. In a world where we depend so much on modern technology and services, it is incredible to see how these people can live independently in remote places.

They do not have supermarkets, hospitals or constant electricity. Instead, they rely on their knowledge and skills to survive.

This makes us think about our own ability to be self-sufficient and prepared for any situation.

Discovery and Max applications

Watching “Remote Living” is easy thanks to the Discovery and Max apps. These applications allow you to watch the series whenever you want and at your own pace.

They are easy to use and offer a variety of educational and inspiring content, in addition to Remote Living.

  • Discovery+: This app is perfect for the curious and adventurous. With it, you can explore a large number of documentaries and educational series. In addition to “Remote Living,” Discovery+ has programs about science, nature, history and much more. It's a fantastic tool to learn new things and inspire you to explore the world.
  • Max: The Max app also offers an incredible selection of series and movies. It is known for its diverse and high-quality content. With Max, you can watch “Remote Living” and many other series that show different aspects of life and nature. It's a great way to broaden your horizons and see the world from new perspectives.

Inspiration to Explore and Learn

“Remote Living” is not just a series about survival; It is a source of inspiration. It motivates us to get out of our comfort zone, explore nature and learn new skills.

Watching the series through the Discovery and Max apps can spark an interest in outdoor adventures and learning to be more self-sufficient.

A Journey of Discovery

The “Remote Living” series is an incredible journey of discovery and inspiration. It shows us that even in the most remote and challenging places, it is possible to live and thrive with the right skills and the right attitude.

The Discovery and Max apps make it easy to access this series and many others, providing an opportunity to learn and be inspired. So, if you're ready for an adventure, watch “Remote Living” and discover how you can survive and thrive anywhere.

Learning to be self-sufficient in life remotely


“Remote Living” takes us to a world where modern life does not exist and shows us how people can live self-sufficiently and in harmony with nature. It is a series that inspires us to learn and be more independent.

Thanks to the Discovery and Max applications, we can watch this incredible series and many others, learning and finding inspiration in each episode.

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to live far from the city and all its comforts, “Remote Living” is the perfect series for you.

It will show you that with the right knowledge and skills, it is possible to not only survive, but thrive in the most remote places in the world.

So sit back, open the Discovery or Max apps, and get ready for a journey of discovery and learning with Remote Living. Adventure awaits you!


Homestead Rescue Discovery+ ANDROIDIPHONE

Homestead Rescue Max ANDROIDIPHONE

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