Cosas extraordinarias para controlar la glucemia alta

Extraordinary things to control high blood sugar


Did you know that technology can do extraordinary things to control high blood sugar?

You'll also learn a key tip to help manage diabetes with something you have in your kitchen.


For people living with diabetes, constant monitoring of glucose levels is essential.

Today we present you three exceptional applications that can help you in this task: Glooko, Contour Diabetes App and mySugr.


In addition, we will explore how cinnamon tea can be a natural ally in glucose control.

See Also

Glooko: All in One Diabetes Management

Glooko is an app designed to centralize all your diabetes-related information, allowing you to sync data from various glucose monitoring devices and other medical devices.

Benefits and Features:

  • Full Synchronization: Glooko automatically syncs data from multiple devices, giving you a comprehensive view of your health.
  • Deep Analysis: The app provides graphs and trends that help you understand how factors such as diet and exercise affect your glucose levels.
  • Alerts and Reminders: Set reminders to test your glucose and take your medication, ensuring consistent and effective management.

Contour Diabetes App: Easy and Accurate

The Contour Diabetes App is known for its accuracy and ease of use. Compatible with Contour Next glucose meters, this app makes it easy for you to log and monitor your glucose levels.

Benefits and Features:

  • Friendly Interface: Its intuitive design allows for easy and efficient use.
  • Full Registration: Record your glucose levels, food consumed, physical activities and medication in detail.
  • Reports for your Doctor: Generate reports that you can easily share with your medical team, improving your treatment monitoring.

mySugr: Making Control More Fun

mySugr is an app that makes diabetes management a more manageable and less stressful experience. With a user-friendly and motivating interface, mySugr helps you keep a constant record of your glucose levels.

Benefits and Features:

  • Scoring System: Each record of glucose, meals or activities gives you points, encouraging you to maintain constant control.
  • Personalized Goals: Set health goals and get rewarded for achieving them.
  • Analysis and Reports: Provides detailed analysis that helps you better understand your condition and make informed decisions about your care.

The Importance of Daily Glucose Monitoring

Daily glucose monitoring is crucial to effectively managing diabetes.

Mobile apps like Glooko, Contour Diabetes App and mySugr not only simplify this process, but also provide valuable information that can help you adjust your lifestyle and treatment.

Consistent monitoring is essential to prevent long-term complications and improve your quality of life.

Cinnamon Tea: A Natural Ally

Cinnamon tea is known for its beneficial properties for glucose control. Cinnamon helps improve insulin sensitivity and reduce postprandial glucose levels.

Incorporating cinnamon tea into your daily routine, along with the use of monitoring apps, can be an effective strategy to keep your glucose levels under control.

Extraordinary things to control high blood sugar


Technology has changed the way we manage our health, especially in diabetes management. Apps like Glooko, Contour Diabetes App, and mySugr provide useful tools that make glucose monitoring easier and help you better understand your condition.

By combining these apps with healthy habits, such as drinking cinnamon tea, you can more effectively control your glucose and improve your quality of life.

Take advantage of these tools and start enjoying their benefits today!

Download the App



Contour Diabetes  ANDROID /IPHONE

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