Cintas métricas en el móvil

Tape measures on mobile


In our daily lives, we often find ourselves with the need to measure objects or distances, whether for personal or professional projects or simply out of curiosity.

With the advancement of mobile technology, this task has evolved from using physical tools to simply unlocking our smartphone.


Today, we're going to explore how apps like Régua, Smart Ruler, and Ruler AR have revolutionized the act of measuring, making this activity more accessible and accurate.

Régua: When Simplicity Finds Precision

The charm of the Régua application lies in its simplicity and functionality.


Designed for users who appreciate immediacy and efficiency, this application transforms any smartphone into a virtual ruler capable of measuring objects directly on the screen.

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Its intuitive interface allows even the least tech-savvy users to operate it without problems.

Offering a practical tool for measuring small objects such as pieces of paper, jewelry or electronic components.

The notable thing about Régua is its portability. Unlike traditional rules, which can be forgotten or lost, Régua is always available on your mobile device.

This constant availability ensures that you are never without a measuring tool when you need it.

Making it ideal for students, designers and anyone who requires fast and reliable measurements on the go.

Smart Ruler: Advanced Technology in Your Hands

Smart Ruler is for those who need a little more than just linear measurement.

This application takes full advantage of the smartphone's capabilities, offering tools to measure dimensions, angles and areas.

Smart Ruler is particularly useful in situations where measurements must be precise and detailed, such as in DIY projects, remodeling, or even clothing.

The use of the phone's camera is one of the Smart Ruler's strengths, allowing the user to obtain more precise measurements of objects that are not easily accessible with a traditional ruler.

This augmented reality functionality provides a clear and detailed view of how and where measurements are being taken, adding a level of precision and professionalism to any measurement task.

Ruler AR: The Final Frontier of Augmented Reality Measurement

Ruler AR is the jewel in the crown when it comes to measurement applications, using augmented reality technology to take measurements to a new level.

This app not only measures length, but can calculate the area and volume of large spaces, something that would be difficult and tedious with traditional methods.

By opening Ruler AR and pointing the camera at the object or space to be measured, the user can see how the measurements are superimposed in real time on the image on the phone screen.

This is especially useful for decorators, architects and builders who need to measure large rooms or furniture.

Ruler AR's ability to interact with three-dimensional space allows for a deeper and more accurate understanding of the environment.

Thus, facilitating the planning and execution of larger projects.

Tape measures on mobile

Conclusion: Measurement in the Digital Age

Advances in mobile technology have simplified many of our daily tasks, and measurement is no exception.

With apps like Régua, Smart Ruler and Ruler AR, anyone with a smartphone has access to a powerful and versatile tool that can make life easier and projects more manageable.

Whether you need to measure a space for new furniture, make sure an object will fit in a given area.

Or simply satisfy your curiosity about the dimensions of something, these apps provide easy and accurate solutions.

Each app offers unique features to suit different needs and situations.

Proving that, in the modern world, sometimes the most advanced technology fits perfectly in your pocket.


Régua: Android | Iphone

Smart Ruler: Android

Ruler AR: Iphone

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