Top 5 Jugos que Ayudan en el Control de la Diabetes

Top 5 Juices that Help Control Diabetes


Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires constant attention to diet, especially with regard to sugar and carbohydrate intake.

Learn about the Top 5 Juices that Help Control Diabetes.


Although many commercial juices are loaded with sugar, there are homemade and natural options that are not only delicious and refreshing, but also help control blood glucose levels.

Below we present the top 5 juices that can be incorporated into the diet of people with diabetes to promote better health.


1. Lemon Juice with Cucumber

Lemon juice with cucumber is a light and refreshing drink, ideal for hot days.

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants, while cucumber is highly hydrating and low in calories.

See Also

Benefits for Diabetics:

  • Low glycemic index: Lemon helps regulate blood glucose levels, avoiding spikes.
  • Hydration: Cucumber, composed mainly of water, is essential for maintaining hydration, crucial for diabetics.
  • Detoxification: The combination of lemon and cucumber promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, contributing to a feeling of freshness and internal cleanliness.


  1. Squeeze the juice of a lemon.
  2. Blend a peeled medium cucumber with a glass of water.
  3. Mix the lemon juice with the blended cucumber and add ice.
  4. If desired, add mint leaves for extra flavor.

2. Green Apple Juice with Ginger

Green apple juice with ginger is an excellent choice for those looking to control diabetes naturally. Green apple is rich in fiber and has less sugar than other apple varieties, while ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits for Diabetics:

  • Low glycemic index: Green apple helps control glucose levels without causing rapid spikes.
  • Improves digestion: Ginger can relieve digestive problems and reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Rich in fiber: The fiber present in green apple helps control blood sugar levels.


  1. Peel and cut two green apples.
  2. Add a small piece of ginger (about 2 cm) to the blender.
  3. Blend everything with a glass of water and strain if necessary.
  4. Serve with ice and a lemon wedge for garnish.

3. Carrot Juice with Orange and Turmeric

Carrot juice with orange and turmeric is a vibrant and nutritious drink. Carrot is an excellent source of beta-carotene, orange provides vitamin C, and turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits for Diabetics:

  • Glucose control: The combination of carrot and orange has a moderate glycemic index, ideal for maintaining stable sugar levels.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Turmeric helps reduce inflammation, common in people with diabetes.
  • Improves immunity: The vitamin C in orange strengthens the immune system, essential for diabetics.


  1. Squeeze the juice from two oranges.
  2. Blend a medium carrot with half a glass of water.
  3. Mix the orange juice with the carrot juice.
  4. Add a pinch of turmeric powder and ice to taste.

4. Red Fruit Juice with Green Tea

Red fruit juice with green tea is a refreshing and antioxidant-rich option. Red fruits, such as strawberry, blackberry and blueberry, are rich in fiber and antioxidants, while green tea is known for its metabolic benefits.

Benefits for Diabetics:

  • Controlling sugar levels: Red fruits have a low glycemic index and help control glucose levels.
  • Antioxidant action: Both red fruits and green tea are rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals.
  • Accelerates metabolism:Green tea can help improve insulin sensitivity and speed up metabolism.


  1. Brew a cup of green tea and let it cool.
  2. Blend a cup of mixed red fruits.
  3. Mix the green tea with the red fruit juice.
  4. Serve chilled and add a few mint leaves if desired.

5. Watermelon Juice with Mint

Watermelon juice with mint is an extremely refreshing and hydrating drink. Watermelon is mostly made up of water and is low in calories, while mint adds a touch of freshness.

Benefits for Diabetics:

  • Low calories: Watermelon is low in calories and helps maintain hydration without significantly increasing blood sugar levels.
  • HydrationStaying hydrated is crucial for diabetics, and watermelon offers a delicious way to do just that.
  • Digestive action: Mint aids in digestion and can relieve stomach discomfort.


  1. Cut two large slices of watermelon into chunks and remove the seeds.
  2. Blend the watermelon with a glass of cold water.
  3. Add mint leaves to the juice and blend again.
  4. Serve over ice and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Additional Tips for Juicing

While these juices are beneficial, it's important to remember that moderation is key. Even low-glycemic fruits and vegetables can affect glucose levels if consumed in large quantities. Here are some additional tips for making the most of these juices in a healthy way:

  • Prefer fresh juices: Whenever possible, prepare fresh juices at home to ensure that no sugars or preservatives are added.
  • Avoid straining: Keeping the pulp in the juice can increase fiber intake, helping to control blood sugar levels.
  • Combine with proteins: Consuming juices along with a protein source can help stabilize glucose levels and provide a longer-lasting feeling of satiety.
  • Monitor sugar levels: It is essential to regularly monitor blood glucose levels to understand how each type of juice affects your body.
Top 5 Juices that Help Control Diabetes


Incorporating natural and homemade juices into your diet can be a delicious and refreshing way to help reduce cholesterol levels. blood sugar.

As always, it is important to consult a doctor before making significant dietary changes, ensuring that all choices are suitable for your individual needs.

With these drinks, you can enjoy delicious flavors while taking care of your health effectively.

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